A 54 ur old male presents with SOB, abdominal tightness and rib fracture

August 1 2023,

Hello, Mr name is Neha Rama and I am a 5the semester medical student studying in Kaminenei Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally. This is an online blog  discussing patient health data after taking his/her consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. 

Case sheet 

A 54 year old patient who is a resident of suryapet and a daily laborer by profession came to the OPD with chief complaints of Shortness in breath since 3 months, abdominal tightness since 2 months and a traumatic injury to the left upper side of the abdomen since 3 days. 

History of present likeness 

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months ago after which he developed SOB grade 1. It was gradual in onset and aggravates on walking,on supine position and decreases when he sleeps in lateral positionposition(both right and left).

Continuous,non progressive.

It is not associated with chest pain.

No h/o cough,sweating, palpitations.

He started experiencing abdominal tightness 2 months ago which aggregated after food intake and was relieved on medication. He suffered from trauma to the left rib 3 days ago while doing labor work. 

History of past illness 

No h/o Diabetes/HTN/TB/ asthma/ epilepsy/ CVS disorders.

H/o trauma to the left rib 3 days ago.

Family history 

No family history of HT/diabetes/ TB/Heart diseases/Cancer/asthma.

Surgical History

Never underwent any surgeries 



Well built

Well nourished

No pallor


No icteris 

No clubbing of fingers 


No cyanosis 


No pedal oedema

No lymphadenopathy

Mild dehydration


Temperature - 99°F

Pulse - 92 bpm

Respiratory rate - 16 rpm

BP -120/80 


Respiratory system examination 


•Chest is bilaterally symmetrical

Trachea – midline in position.0

Apical Impulse is not appreciated 

Chest is moving normally with respiration.

No dilated veins, scars, sinuses.


•Trachea – midline in position.

Apical impulse is felt on the left 5th intercoastal space.

Chest is moving equally on respiration on both sides

Tactile Vocal fremitus - appreciated 



The following areas were percussed on either sides- 


Infraclavicular- resonant

Mammary- resonant

Axillary- resonant

Infraaxillary- resonant

Suprascapular- resonant 

Infrascapular- resonant 

 interscapular - resonant.



•Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.

Abdominal examination 




Abdominal rigidity present

No fluid  thrill

No shifting  dullness 

CVS examination 

S1,S2 heard, no murmurs 


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